Anything but that
Anything but that! How many times have I heard someone say those words. How many times have I said them. I'm saying them right now. It's that time of year I most hate. Yeah...preparing for "Stewardship Emphasis".
Don't get me wrong I believe strongly that we are to give back to God what is His. Down deep I mean ALL of it. I also believe that as Pastor (shepherd/father) to my congregation I have the right and the obligation to call my parishioners to give of their money, their time, their abilities, their love, their _______ (you fill in the blank). I have never been embarrased to tell the congregations I have served that we need money to keep the lights on and the a/c running. Personally I think if you a pastor can't do that they need to find some other career.
With all of that said, I repeat, I hate this time of year. Mainly because so many people see it as "nuts and bolts". "We got to have this much money so that...." Oh, and there is always that preponderence of Law talk and guilt talk that gets wrapped up into it. "God demands that you give. You have so much and the church asks so little of you. What if we weren't here? Who would do God's work?"
First I rather think God is quite capable of doing His own work, thank you very much. Second, I want people to be like little children who scribble a crayon masterpiece and gift it to their parent with no motive but to say, "I love you." Somewhere in all of that is Gospel stuff.
So instead of sitting here writing the letter to be mailed to all members letting them know that next month is Stewardship Emphasis (Why, oh why, can't it be this life is Stewardship Emphasis?) I am writing about how much I hate this time of year. Sort of doing "Anything but that!".
I'll get the letter written and e-mailed over to my secretary, complete with pledge card format, logo design for the emphasis, suggested letter for the Discipleship team leader to use, and all the other crap that has to be part of the program. I'll even get it done today. For now I'm doing anything but that!
Don't get me wrong I believe strongly that we are to give back to God what is His. Down deep I mean ALL of it. I also believe that as Pastor (shepherd/father) to my congregation I have the right and the obligation to call my parishioners to give of their money, their time, their abilities, their love, their _______ (you fill in the blank). I have never been embarrased to tell the congregations I have served that we need money to keep the lights on and the a/c running. Personally I think if you a pastor can't do that they need to find some other career.
With all of that said, I repeat, I hate this time of year. Mainly because so many people see it as "nuts and bolts". "We got to have this much money so that...." Oh, and there is always that preponderence of Law talk and guilt talk that gets wrapped up into it. "God demands that you give. You have so much and the church asks so little of you. What if we weren't here? Who would do God's work?"
First I rather think God is quite capable of doing His own work, thank you very much. Second, I want people to be like little children who scribble a crayon masterpiece and gift it to their parent with no motive but to say, "I love you." Somewhere in all of that is Gospel stuff.
So instead of sitting here writing the letter to be mailed to all members letting them know that next month is Stewardship Emphasis (Why, oh why, can't it be this life is Stewardship Emphasis?) I am writing about how much I hate this time of year. Sort of doing "Anything but that!".
I'll get the letter written and e-mailed over to my secretary, complete with pledge card format, logo design for the emphasis, suggested letter for the Discipleship team leader to use, and all the other crap that has to be part of the program. I'll even get it done today. For now I'm doing anything but that!