Friday, July 15, 2005

Writing without having to preach

I have finally done it. Joined the teeming masses of bloggers. It feels a bit odd to be doing this. Blogging at times seems to be the roller disco of the 21st century. Following trends is not the normal pattern for my life. But here it is for better or worse.

I struggled with whether or not I wanted to do this. I have this sense of narcisstic exhibitionism. As if my thoughts and words have such great value the world will stop spinning if I do not publish them for all humanity. At the same time I have that old feeling I used to get in grade school when teams were being chosen for softball. I was always the last one chosen and the two captains would fight over who "had" to have me. What if no one ever looks at what I write? Am I once again that untalented unliked child standing staring at the scuffed dirt of a playground?

I know this. I have to write. It is in me. It is who I am. Probably part of the reason I am a pastor. Somehow I need to express those thoughts that drive me awake at three in the morning forcing me to stare at the darkened ceiling and wondering about the meaning of existence.

I have tried writing in a journal but a childhood injury makes it difficult to write legibly with a pen and paper. (A topic for a later post.) Still I need to put in print what roils in my brain. Perhaps this will be therapeutic. Perhaps it will enable me to improve my writing. Perhaps it will simply be a way to spend a few moments now and again free from the worries and distractions of parish life.

Most of all I don't have to preach what I write. Don't get me wrong. I love to preach. It is one of the things I do well. There are some things that I need to write that just don't "preach" well. This will be my place for those things. I hope this will be a growing experience for me and if perchance some one else should see it I hope what I write will be a special moment for them. I know that the contributions offered by others in their blogs have led me to new understandings and love for people. Maybe I can reach just a bit to their level.


Blogger SunnySue said...

Hey there Pastor Blue Jeans,

I am glad you have joined the world of Blogs! As long as you don't put pressure on yourself and just write when you are inspired to do so, it will be a fun experience for you.

I liked your post, and yes, you are a good writer. I look forward to reading more, when you are inspired to share!!

Susan in Ca.(DPS)

1:57 PM CDT  

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